Saturday, April 25, 2009

Having a bad week.

Can we say this has been the worse week of my life? To start with our car won't start and now we're back to one vehicle. Ha and the funny thing about that is I got into a minor accident and basicly tore the door off the truck. Long story, let's just say I now know why they say not to drive while angry and distracted. Luckily no one was hurt and my vehicle was the only one involved. Anyway I had to find a part time job. Which was really easy. I made two phone calls and bam I had a job. I start Monday. I am a little leary. I never wanted to leave Emma with a sitter, but my Mom offered to do it. I'm hoping I won't have to do it for long. It was a great offer though. They agreed to everything I asked for, only four hours a day and no weekends. The bonus is weget paid weekly and it's reasonable. Anywho I guess some prayers would be greatly appreciated. Hopefully it all works out. I'm off to bed.


Thursday, April 23, 2009

No camera cord.

I was getting ready to got to bed when I realized I knew exactly where my camera was. Rachel and I went to visit Heather and I put it in the pocket of my coat. It took me 2 months to realize this. Ahh i can be such a ditz at times. I could have been taking pictures and video of emma, But I can't keep my head on straight. I imeadiately pulled the sd card out so I could see what pictures were on it. There were some funny ones Emma and of the valentines night I did with all the kids. I was going to charge the camera for my cousins 1st birthday tomorrow, but I somehow have the wrong cord. It looks exactly like the one I had but it doesn't fit. Oh well I guess my picture taking days have come to an end. well atleast I get a new cord/camera.
I can't believe my aunts son is going to be one tomorrow, and Emma is almost 16 months old. Geez kids grow up so fast! The funny thing about me saying this is I am still a kid myself. I honestly don't feel like it nor do I live the life of a child. I'll catch myself calling someone who could be just six months youger than me that kid over there. Jacob laughs at me when I do things like this and he'll say, "Marissa, you are aware they're the same age as us right?" it's funny though because honestly I am not aware. I feel so old sometimes. I guess that's life though.
Speaking of Jacob he truly is an amazing husband. I am so lucky to have someone who never complains(well atleast when he should). I feel so bad for him this last week or so I have been completely slacking. Laundry had piled up and taken over the laundry room. I hadn't washed the dishes in days and so on. I don't know why but I felt completely exhausted. I slept until 8pm on wendsday. Only to wake up to a completely spotless house. I cried when I woke up. I felt so awful. He didn't complain or get angry with me just simply stepped up and took over. Today I made sure to get all 6 loads of laundry washed folded and put away. anyway I guess I'll stop talking about how lazy i am. I should go to bed I have an early day tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


So it is 4am and I can't seem to get back to sleep. A problem I have been having lately. I figured why not use this time to write a blog. I have had one for well over a year and never posted anything. I am a bit on the lazy side. I am sure Rachel will be excited to see something has finally been posted. Now I just need to find my camera, so I can post pictures as well. well I guess I am gonna try and get back to bed.
